Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why Avigdor Lieberman is a good foreign minister for Israel

The Israeli left and the Arabs are already screaming hysterically like hyenas about the new right wing government in Israel, and against its foriegn minister, Avigdor Lieberman. He is a racist, the say, and against peace.

Yes, he is against "peace" if it means creating a state that threatens Israel's security. Yes, he is against "peace", when it means only Israeli concessions in exchange for more Palestinian demands, incitement, and threats. Yes, he is against peace if it means handing over land encroaching Israel's heartland, to an impotent, violent and divided Palestinian society. When the Palestinians call for Israel to accept "peace", what they actually mean is surrender and self-destruction.

Is he is really a racist? When an Arab member of Knesset openly identifies with Israel's enemies and supports their armed struggle against Israel, is it racist to demand that he be kicked out of Knesset and stripped of his citizenship? What about when an MP, such as Azmi Bashara, spies on behalf of an enemy terrorist army? Should he be entitled to a pension from the State of Israel? Is that insane?

I think that its good that we finally have a FM that doesn't speak mealy mouthed about a peace that in reality is unattainable at this time. Israeli has shown that it is willing to compromise, but unilateral moves on its part are only recipricated with scorn, contempt, and demands for more concessions. I also think that the world, including the US, will get used to a different but clear message-- that we want peace, but will not compromise our security, period. Lieberman is correct in his assertion that the blind pursuit of an elusive peace only invites war; and that preparing for war by showing strength (politically and militarily) brings peace closer.

All other fake calls for "painful concessions" only make peace less likely.


Shalmo said...
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DrJ said...

Mr Shalmo whoever you are:

Quoting Mr Gideon Levy to me would be like me quoting Jerry Falwell as representative of American Christians. It is well known that Mr. Levy, in his capacity at Haaretz, is a vehemently anti-zionist (and anti-semitic, the same as you) and represents only a tiny margin of Israeli opinion. Perhaps you should read Ynetnews instead. You may agree with his hateful and sarcastic vitriol, but don't think that it represents an Israeli viewpoint. I can find Muslims or Arabs who say the same types of things about themselves, but I don't delude myself into thinking that Arabs actually think that way. Mr. Levy adds no new factual information, he simply likes to basks in glee at Israel's failures and thunder with sarcasm and contempt when Israel succeeds.

With regards to you other article, I'm glad you have confidence in the truth of an Iranian governmental news source. Really free press there. If your world view is shaped by reading Iranian propaganda, then you have a pretty distorted view of the world. Interesting that that "CIA report" didn't show up anywhere else...

DrJ said...

With regards to Israeli longevity, we will outlast the evil Iranian empire. Last time the Persians fucked with us, (2500 years ago) we got them good. It is the Iranian society and political system that is rotten and corrupt to the core, and it will rot from within.

DrJ said...

Shalmo, if you are an Iranian, consider this:
How many Nobel Prizes have Jews and Israelis produced, vs Iran?

How many articles in international scientific journals come from Tehran, as opposed to Tel Aviv and Haifa?

Where does Intel, Motorola and HP have R and D facilities? In Haifa, Rehovot and Kiryat Gat, or in Tehran?

How many hi tech startups and medical breakthroughs come out of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in comparison to the whole Muslim world?

Muslims are just plain jealous of the Jews, thats all. Look at where we are and look at them.

While we build our state, institutions, and democracy, the Muslims are busy flogging women for appearing in public without headscarves and blowing themselves up to kill other Muslims who disagree with them.

Who do you think will last???

Shalmo said...

Hardly. That news is well documented, not just from press tv but from other outlets as well:


Shalmo said...

A simple google of "Israeli Conscientious Objectors" reveals a plethora of humane minded Israelis who realize the wrong their government is doing.

You are deluded if you think Gideon is alone in this regard.

I previously also gave you this speech from Netanyahu's own nephew:

But of course you will call him anti-semitic as well. Its typical of Jews to label any criticism of Israel as anti-semitic, even if it comes from other Jews. Heck the ADL has been doing it for decades. The rest of the world has just stopped buying that card.

Shalmo said...

I an not iranian but please don't tell me that the history lesson you are quoting is the nonsensical story of Esther in Purim.

If you are, then let me tell you its pitifully desperate.

Like most Jewish history, the Esther fiasco has zero support from well documented contemporary historical records of the era. There is no mention in any iranian source of a queen Esther, or any of the said events described in Jewish books. Nor does it have support from other contemporary historical documents from outside Iran that detail that region either.

This isn't surprising. Most Jewish history is fabricated so Jews can sing the "they persecuted us, and now they are going to pay" card.

Personally I prefer to call a spade a spade.

Shalmo said...

Finally in terms of advancements, well muslims are producing plenty of it.

Its true you don't hear about it in the West, for political reasons, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist

Iran is producing loads of new technologies, but since the Israeli loving part of the West has cut of contact with them, they don't hear about

And please don't embarass yourself by repeating the often enough rehashed claim of the 25% nobel peace prize winners being Jewish. More than half of them renounced their jewish heritage by converting to other religions. Not to mention that the entire Nobel Peace Prize voting system is rigged with political interests.

Here is a list of controversies on the matter:

You may also wish to also wish to check this out, and see just how much our modern world owes to muslims:

You also know that half of your religion, Judaism, (or at least what little is good in it) was ripped off Islam. Nowadays the ignorant masses don't realize that just because Judaism has claims of being older, don't make it genuine. Here are a few peeve examples of theological plagiarizing:

more can be found here:

Its true that there are problems in muslim countries, but those all stem from post-colonialism as well as US/UK hegemony that keeps dictators in power over our lands. All of the arab countries were cut up by the Brits to ensure the arabs keep fighting each other.

But the time for muslim unity is coming, and the end of zionism with it.

DrJ said...

Come on, Shalmo, you're joking, right?

All the "sources" you quoted refer verbatim to the Iranian report. A blog entry is a "news outlet"?

Both Islam, which was invented around 600, and the Hebrew religion (of which Judaism is the modern form and which predates Islam by at least 1500 years)contributed richly to civilization.
My point is that Islam in modern times has remained backwards, except in highly secularized countries.

Without getting into a numbers game, it is clear to anybody with eyes in their heads that Jews have contributed disproportionately to world and especially western civilization in the intellectual and creative spheres.

Jewish "borrowing"--Sure, Jewish diaspora communities adopted customs that reflected the conditions of their host countries. So what? Any community does that. Israeli Arabs are different that Gaza Arabs. So?

DrJ said...

Levy and Ben Artzi--like a bell curve of course there will be differences of opinion. These people are "outliers"-- on the margins. In the Muslim world there are also differences of opinion, but in some of those societies they are not so free to express them. For instance, if you are living in Gaza and express support for Fatah, you'd better watch your back.

You, on the other hand, are free to believe in fantasy Iranian TV fabrications but you are still safe. Where do YOU live?

Shalmo said...

"Both Islam, which was invented around 600, and the Hebrew religion "(of which Judaism is the modern form and which predates Islam by at least 1500 years)contributed richly to civilization."

You can read those links I provided, influence went the other way and those links prove it.

theological plagiarizing:

more can be found here:

Judaism only has claims of being older.

"My point is that Islam in modern times has remained backwards, except in highly secularized countries."

I'll just copy and paste my previous reply that you ignored:

Its true that there are problems in muslim countries, but those all stem from post-colonialism as well as US/UK hegemony that keeps dictators in power over our lands. All of the arab countries were cut up by the Brits to ensure the arabs keep fighting each other. When we remove western dominance over us then things will get better

And Iran is doing much better than Israel anyway, despite the fact that Israel gets billions of pity money from the US government and the EU, while Iran is being economically starved. And it still is overtaking Israel, now that's impressive

"Without getting into a numbers game, it is clear to anybody with eyes in their heads that Jews have contributed disproportionately to world and especially western civilization in the intellectual and creative spheres."

Actually no. Its true there are few Jewish contributions to the modern world. But how did they come about?

They came about due the atmosphere of inter-leaning and enlightenment that muslims produced such centers of learning in muslim spain. Without that Jews would just be....well Jews. Writing parshas all day long about how how loved they are by G-d, and how low us poor gentiles are

Muslims also gave you Maimonides, the best sage Jewry has ever produced. Aside from ripping of rationalist teachings from guys Ibn Rushd, he also ripped of countless sufi concepts to give the legalistic religion of Judaism a sprituality. Makes sense since his entire family was converting to Islam, so needed to give Judaism islamic spirituality in order to stop Jews from leaving the faith.

As for western civilization, its mostly a creation of what came from the islamic civilization. All of western secular thought was fatherd by Ibn Rushd, which btw did a great job of liberating Europe from the stranglehold of a corrupt christian clergy.

"Jewish "borrowing"--Sure, Jewish diaspora communities adopted customs that reflected the conditions of their host countries. So what? Any community does that. Israeli Arabs are different that Gaza Arabs. So?"

Oh no. I am talking about theological borrowing. Muslims didn't do the same, mainly because Islam is quite strict in never contradicting the sunnah (traditions) of Mohammed by taking in outside ideas.

All the Jewish stories come from better stories ripped off the cannanites, sumerians, babylonians, egyptians, hittites, zorastrians, etc etc. Islam was just one of the many it took theology from.

"Levy and Ben Artzi--like a bell curve of course there will be differences of opinion. These people are "outliers"-- on the margins. In the Muslim world there are also differences of opinion, but in some of those societies they are not so free to express them. For instance, if you are living in Gaza and express support for Fatah, you'd better watch your back."

I just came back from the Palestinian territories, and things there are not at all the way you describe.

Its normal for zionists to demonize all their enemies in the fashion you doing. The Nazis did the same to Jewry, made scare tactics about how they are here to take over Europe, and we know what they then did after the fear-mongering turned the people into a blood-thirsty horde. Modern zionist historical revisionism is no different

Btw DrJ I noticed you have no reply what so ever to my previous on the historicity of whom owns this land. I will copy and paste it again for your convenience.

Y"ou, on the other hand, are free to believe in fantasy Iranian TV fabrications but you are still safe. Where do YOU live?"

I live in Israel; your mother's house to be precise :)


Shalmo said...
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Shalmo said...

I need to make one thing clear though.

I do not hate Jewry. But I hate the evil done by them.

the proto-zionists should have stuck with the original Uganda plan rather than displacing a populace and taking their territory.

And worse still is the danger you pose to our beloved Al-Aqsa mosque. That mosque belongs to us, and must be returned as soon as possible. Judea has no right to it.

I will happily agree to sharing the land between all three abrahamic faiths, but the mosque must be returned to the ummah immediately.

DrJ said...

"It clearly shows who God favor as the owners of the land."

Ah, finally, you reveal the source of your beliefs. Shalmo, I have neither time, inclination, or patience to engage in pointless theological debates with irrational people who "know" that god is on their side. I have enough of that in my own religion, don't need it with yours, too. Who knows, perhaps the Palestinians are suffering because "your" god is "punishing" THEM??

"I live in Israel; your mother's house to be precise :)"

May I ask what the #### you're talking about? I have neither a mother in Israel nor does she have a house here.

"You can read those links I provided"

Links from serious credible sources only, please. Don't waste my time with apologetics essays from any religion, and I won't waste yours. I've seen Jewish and Christian apologetics sources and they're just as stupid.

"History is not on the side of the Jewish people when it comes to who owns that land "

I don't care who "owned" the land hundreds or thousands of years ago. Since the late 1800s Jews bought some of the land, and the rest they won in a war initiated by Arabs. Yet everybody except Muslims seem to know that the Jews have a historical connection to this place. (Only someone like Arafat could make the preposterous claim that the Temple mount was never Jewish) But if you want to argue historical "rights" of land, you could dismantle half of the western coutries, including the US.

I deal with the present, and want to find a practical solution. I favor a 2 state solution (if the Palestinians really want one, I'm not sure). But many Muslims can't get past whining about all of the "injustices" and "humiliations"
and clamour to restore some past idealized glory. Plus "god" is "on their side", so there is no rational discussion or compromise.

"When we remove western dominance over us then things will get better"

See what I mean? Muslim failures are somebody else's fault. Just correct the perceived injustices, and everything will be fine...We Jews thrived despite being a persecuted and despised minority for most of their history. In fact, we Jews have the opposite problem: we blame ourselves for everything, even things that we have no power over!!

"Many Jews are descendants from later converts"

Who cares? And in the history of the spread of Islam, where all of the new adherents "voluntary"? Mohammed went and conquered the lands, and people were forced to convert. So you could say that most Muslims are "descendents of converts"

"Not to mention that the entire Nobel Peace Prize voting system is rigged with political interests."

Oh, those Jews again, control everything. I know, you read about it in the Protocol of the Elders of Zion. Sure, the Nobel committee is full of Jew lovers. Thats why the gave Arafat a peace prize.

"I do not hate Jewry. But I hate the evil done by them."

I would say the same about Islam.

Shalmo, you and I argue on 3 levels:

Religious-- pointless to debate
Historical-- perhaps can debate, but really misses the point, if you want to arrive at a solution.
Political-- I can continue to debate you, but in order for it to be productive, we've got to agree on what "sources" are acceptable-- neutral, scholarly, objective sources of information. You cannot bring Islamic or Arab propaganda sites and I cannot bring Jewish religious or Israeli sources (except to document a purely "Israeli" event that isn't covered elsewhere).

But if you insist on tendentious, religious rambling about whose god or religion wins, I will stop responding.

Shalmo said...

"Ah, finally, you reveal the source of your beliefs."

The source of my beliefs are rationality and truth

I simply gave you a good history lesson that the only time there has ever been peace in that land is when muslims have ruled. There has never been peace when Christians ruled it, and certainly not today when the Yahood rule it.

"Shalmo, I have neither time, inclination, or patience to engage in pointless theological debates with irrational people who "know" that god is on their side. I have enough of that in my own religion, don't need it with yours, too. "

I wasn't engaging in a theological debate, but a political one. You are confusing the two. But yes history speaks about on who's side God is.

"Who knows, perhaps the Palestinians are suffering because "your" god is "punishing" THEM??"


You really wanna play this game.

Then that means the countless persecutions and sufferings of the Jewish people were sent by God as well, no?

"May I ask what the #### you're talking about? I have neither a mother in Israel nor does she have a house here."

You asked where I live and gain a reply, sarcastic though it was

"Links from serious credible sources only, please. Don't waste my time with apologetics essays from any religion, and I won't waste yours. I've seen Jewish and Christian apologetics sources and they're just as stupid."

They ARE credible sources. Perhaps you didn't see how they source both Encyclopedia Judaica and the Jewish Encyclopedia, as well as other western sources to prove their point.

"I don't care who "owned" the land hundreds or thousands of years ago."


Your kind keep repeating aggressively what the Torah records as "history", and as I have just shown from Jewish sources to boot, that history is a lie since the Torah is just the theological and political propaganda of Judea's kings.

The arabs have lived in that land for a longer period of time than the Jews have ever had control of it

"Since the late 1800s Jews bought some of the land, and the rest they won in a war initiated by Arabs. "

more zionist historical revisionism

only 7% of the land was bought, the rest taken by force

a prime example can be seen in the village of Piram where the Jews tricked the villagers from leaving, and then bulldozed the entire area. Today that place in Israel is a fucking park. You removed an entire people and made a park of their land. This shows what odious creatures you are

"Yet everybody except Muslims seem to know that the Jews have a historical connection to this place. (Only someone like Arafat could make the preposterous claim that the Temple mount was never Jewish) But if you want to argue historical "rights" of land, you could dismantle half of the western coutries, including the US."

You can read the history I proved for you above

Muslims have had longer control of this land than the totality of Jewish history.

"I deal with the present, and want to find a practical solution. I favor a 2 state solution (if the Palestinians really want one, I'm not sure). But many Muslims can't get past whining about all of the "injustices" and "humiliations"
and clamour to restore some past idealized glory. Plus "god" is "on their side", so there is no rational discussion or compromise."

The two-state solution is not possible

This because Jews and Israel are not, nor have ever been honest in any peace deal they have ever offered.

Every peace deal for a two-state solution offered has had a hidden agenda. Last time it was desgined to isolate Palestinians from any sources of water for instance.

This is ofcourse a calculated endeavor. By offering Palestinians a peace deal they can never accept, Israel can sing the "we offered peace but they never accepted" card in order to silence it critics.

If it was sincere in an honest two-state solution then there would have been one by now

However since Palestinians were displaced in the first place, we have to undo the wrongs done against them by the Jewish people. This means a one state solution of course.

With a two-state solution there will always be unfair division of land, and the history of rigged two-state solution offered by Israel already speak enough of why any such offer by Israel should never be accepted.

To end the stalemate we need a one-state Judea where members of all three abrahamic faiths have equal power.

"See what I mean? Muslim failures are somebody else's fault. Just correct the perceived injustices, and everything will be fine...We Jews thrived despite being a persecuted and despised minority for most of their history. In fact, we Jews have the opposite problem: we blame ourselves for everything, even things that we have no power over"

Nonsense. With a 2 minute google I paste scores and scores of anti-gentile literature available in Jewish books.

Moed Kattan 17a: If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.

Penalty for Disobeying Rabbis

Erubin 21b. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.

Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God

Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.

O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews

Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.

Jews Have Superior Legal Status

Baba Kamma 37b. "If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite...the payment is to be in full."

Jews May Steal from Non-Jews

Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b). Sanhedrin 76a. God will not spare a Jew who "marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean..."

Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews

Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."

Jews May Lie to Non-Jews

Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.

Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human

Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.

Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.

So you guys not blaming everybody else is rubbish.

"Who cares? And in the history of the spread of Islam, where all of the new adherents "voluntary"? Mohammed went and conquered the lands, and people were forced to convert. So you could say that most Muslims are "descendents of converts" "

Absolute rubbish.

And this actually proves you know next to nothing about Mohammed or his life, because even your fellow Jews praise him for stopping inter-jewish bloodshed in Medina as well as the tolerance shown to them under his rule.

Ever secular historians like Karen Armstrong have this to say:

“The Prophet Muhammad was not a warrior, but he found himself, like many of the Axial Age sages, in a violent society and he eventually brought peace to the region by practicing a daring policy of non-violence. He stopped the violence and went into Mecca unarmed and forced the Meccan to negotiate with him accepting terms that his followers thought were disgraceful”

Here's more from her:

"There is far more violence in the Bible than in the Qur’an; the idea that Islam imposed itself by the sword is a Western fiction, fabricated during the time of the Crusades when, in fact, it was Western Christians who were fighting brutal holy wars against Islam. The Qur’an forbids aggressive warfare and permits war only in self-defence; the moment the enemy sues for peace, the Qur’an insists that Muslims must lay down their arms and accept whatever terms are offered, even if they are disadvantageous. Later, Muslim law forbade Muslims to attack a country where Muslims were permitted to practice their faith freely; the killing of civilians was prohibited, as were the destruction of property and the use of fire in warfare."

Shalmo said...

"Oh, those Jews again, control everything. I know, you read about it in the Protocol of the Elders of Zion. Sure, the Nobel committee is full of Jew lovers. Thats why the gave Arafat a peace prize."

Like I said they have political incentives for whom they reward

wiki has a good chunk of data of various controversies related to them

"Shalmo, you and I argue on 3 levels:

Religious-- pointless to debate
Historical-- perhaps can debate, but really misses the point, if you want to arrive at a solution.
Political-- I can continue to debate you, but in order for it to be productive, we've got to agree on what "sources" are acceptable-- neutral, scholarly, objective sources of information. You cannot bring Islamic or Arab propaganda sites and I cannot bring Jewish religious or Israeli sources (except to document a purely "Israeli" event that isn't covered elsewhere)."

My problem with you is that you quite a novice in all of this.

What you have provided me on history and religion shows me that you are not that knowledgeable in any of the fields you argue on

For instance you arrogantly quoted me the Esther story about you guys kicking the ass of iranians 2500 years ago, while the rest of the world has realized that history is nothing more than Jewish fiction since all contemporary accounts of the era totally complete show how wrong the Jewish books are. As I said its normal for Jews to fashion history where they can sing the "gentiles persecuted us and now look how messed up they are" card. If you don't even know this much, then I ponder what point there is in me debating such an ignoramous

"But if you insist on tendentious, religious rambling about whose god or religion wins, I will stop responding."

I will solve that problem for you right here, and my above reply should do enough to explain why I am no longer interested in wasting any more time with you.

I may pop in now and then from occasion, so don't think I am going away lol

Peace be with! And please do renounce Judaism, you will be a better person for it

Anti-GENTILISM is the problem. There was no such thing as “anti-semitism” until the Old Testament of the Bible, especially the Torah created anti-GENTILISM, and sensible NON-Jews said: “Hey! since you HATE ME for NOT being one of you, I am sure not going to be PRO-semitism!”. They codified hatred of all NON-Jews (GENTILES) in their religion, and now wonder why Gentiles are “anti” them. So-called “antisemitism” is not “hate”, it is the normal reaction of any SANE person to a Group, Society, Organization, that openly preaches IT’s hatred of You. Judaism has been preaching it’s Hatred of NON-jews for thousands of years, and THAT is why any NON-jew with self-esteem, and self-respect, is PRO-Gentile.
Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of Chabad-Lubavitch.
“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: ‘Let us differentiate.’ Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have case of ‘let us differentiate’ between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of (members) of all nations of the world… A non-Jew’s entire reality is only vanity. The entire creation (of a non-Jew) exists only for the sake of the Jews.”

DrJ said...
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DrJ said...

Behind all you quotes, links and rambling, your opinion can summarized as thus:

1. The Jewish religion is a fake religion contrived from Islam.
2. The Jews are a conniving, manipulating people seeking superiority over others.
3. Israel, as a Jewish state, has no right to exist.

By any definition these views would be considered ignorant, bigoted and anti-semitic. That you are saying them doesn't bother me. What does bother me is that it is likely that tens of millions of Muslims agree with you, and that is dangerous.

Rest assured that Israel will not be destroyed, and if it is, we will bring down a hell of a lot of people with us.

If you quote the Talmud, than, as in the movie Fitna shows, I can quote your books as full of bigotry and hate.
But I don't because I know that things can be quoted out of context and that writings of earlier periods have to be put in their historic context and conditions of the time. The vast majority of Jews, including orthodox, do not hold by those sayings. With regards to the sayings of the Rabbi of Chabad, of course I do not agree with his comments. Anyway, don't many Muslim clergy say the same things, that Jews are the "sons of pigs"....

The basic motivation and source of your hate and resentment is jealousy. Envy of our successes and our accomplishments. Somehow all of your people's failures are due to manipulation and conspiracies, like your holocaust denial web site in your first link. I suppose that 9/11 was the Zionists, too, right?

Any people's treatment of Jews ends up being a yardstick of their morality. Anti-semites are morally flawed, and usually end destroying themselves.

"I will solve that problem for you right here, and my above reply should do enough to explain why I am no longer interested in wasting any more time with you"

Thank you.